1 in 11 People Will Die from Diabetes

Many of these deaths are preventable. We want to arm doctors with tools to fight this epidemic while lowering their costs.

Our Mission

Rediscovering the Power of Population Health

29 million Americans have diabetes, and around 2 million of them will die from complications related to the disease. The trouble is, doctors have had no idea who those 2 million are. 

Not anymore. At Helix Health, we believe it’s time for doctors to stop treating patients only when they are sick with acute symptoms – and start looking at how to use population-level data to address the whole.  

This makes financial sense, too. In the value-based care paradigm, doctors will receive payment based on clinical outcomes. This is a scary shift for many, but at Helix Health, we want to prepare doctors – and their patients – to take advantage of the latest innovations in data analytics to stay healthier, longer.


Is Helix Health Right for You?

Are you a provider frustrated by the health care system’s focus on treating sick individuals, when there is a wealth of population-level data that could be harnessed to make everybody better? 


That’s why we created Helix Health. We are a team of providers, technologists and business innovators who believe everyone deserves better health. With an eye toward the value-based future, we want to make it easy for doctors to attack easily preventable problems that create poor health outcomes and raise costs. 


At Helix, our mission is simple: We want to help doctors save money while making patients healthier.


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Our Story

From Doctor to Entrepreneur

Helix Health founder Anurag Patel began his career in medicine in primary care. Discovering an aptitude for data analytics and population health, Patel began to explore the ways cutting-edge machine learning can be applied to the treatment patients at scale. “I got tired of how the health care system is so focused on treating sick patients one at a time,” Patel says. “There has to be a better way.” In 2017 he formed Helix Health with help from a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Now with a cross-disciplinary, seasoned team of innovators and several Kansas City-area health systems on board, Patel is poised to take Helix Health to the next level.


Check out Anurag Patel in KC Rising


111 W. 10th St
Kansas City, MO 64105

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