AI Solutions for Outcomes & Efficiency

Abada Health increases revenue and health outcomes through data intelligence. We do this by giving clinics a tool to understand their patient populations in real-time and allocate their resources in a value-based health care system.


Data Intelligence + Decision Support

We use predictive analytics plus agile data warehousing to allow health systems to collect, share and innovate on patient data for the purpose of delivering better quality, more cost-efficient care. 

Our decision support technology is fueled by proprietary AI algorithms that predict poor outcomes and generate actionable recommendations to clinical staff to conduct interventions early in a patient’s journey. 

Our goal is save lives, improve quality and reduce cost of care while also saving clinicians the administrative burden of manual preventative work.

Who Uses Abada Health?

Primary Care Physicians

Doctors are faced with tremendous burdens in managing patient populations, particularly chronic conditions. Our goal is to automate preventative work to benefit patients and enhance the business.

Clinical Managers

For those who keep the clinic running, our solutions help you allocate resources where they will have the most impact, financially and in terms of patient health.


We partner with insurance providers needing large amounts of anonymized, secure data analyzed to surface insights about risk in population management.


The Abada Health Process

Data Sourcing

We collect data from clinical and nonclinical sources, including your population’s EMRs and demographic data and store it in our proprietary agile VAULT.

We can integrate with your systemwide data as well as health information exchanges (HIEs) that affect your service area.


Predictive Engine

Our AI builds knowledge clusters from this data and we pair it with standards of care established by the health care system.

This gives us a way to track treatment pathways for individual patients and compare it to the population at large.


Customer Solution

We calculate risk and score intervention strategies to predict outcomes and the best ways for clinicians to improve

We allow doctors to be doctors while we crunch the data to understand their patients better so they can save lives and money.


AI Algorithms Define Risk & Prescribe Action

Through our Describe • Predict • Prescribe method, Abada Health allows you to understand patient behavior, predict risk levels, and then receive actionable advice on how and when to intervene to improve outcomes and save money.

Free Consultation

Integrated Solutions for Value-Based Health

CPC+ is the beginning. The future of value-based health demands data intelligence on a new level. Abada Health is designed to help clinics thrive through measurable outcomes.

clinical roi

health outcomes


patient engagement

value-based model



111 W. 10th St
Kansas City, MO 64105

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