About Us

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Our Story & People

Abada Health (formerly Helix Health) was initiated by Aaron Deacon and Anurag Patel as an open innovation project for KC Digital Drive in response to the RWJ Foundation Choosing Care Challenge in 2017. The co-founders are Aaron Deacon, who provides executive leadership, and Anurag Patel, who drives strategy and technology development. They are joined by Kate Favrow and Jason Harper.


  • Aaron Deacon has over 15 years experience building products and organizations that match emerging technology with customer needs, as a consultant and strategist with Leo J. Shapiro & Associates and founder and managing director of KC Digital Drive.
  • Anurag Patel’s relevant career experience spans clinical medical work, cancer education research with the NIH, private practice lean business process modeling, technology startups and software development, consulting in HealthIT projects and companies, data security, and predictive modeling and artificial intelligence in health outcomes.
  • Kate Favrow has 14 years of experience challenging the way things have always been done, from consumer engagement to team management. She likes finding efficiencies, solving problems, and building integrations among platforms.
  • Jason Harper has 15 years of experience in communications and marketing across multiple industries. He has served as communications director at two startups and has led social/digital marketing efforts for major B2C and B2B brands. 

Anurag Patel

Founder & CEO

Aaron Deacon

Founder & President

Kate Favrow


Jason Harper



111 W. 10th St
Kansas City, MO 64105

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