Innovating to Counter COVID-19

The Threat

Fighting for Those at Risk 

In the world of COVID-19, patients with underlying chronic conditions are at the greatest risk of ICU admissions and death from the virus. Patients without the means to keep their chronic illness in check are especially vulnerable.

As a result, we are bending our efforts to stem the outbreak among vulnerable populations in our community, while also evolving our technology strategy and business for the post-COVID-19 world. 


How Abada Health Is Responding to COVID-19

The pandemic is forcing the healthcare system to rethink how it serves patients. At Abada Health, we’re focused on three main areas that matter to our customers:


1. COVID Preparedness:  Reducing risk in chronic patients is our core purpose. The pandemic increases pressure to get patients under control so that their underlying conditions do not increase the likelihood of poor outcomes. Realtime data intelligence has never been more valuable to providers – or their patients.


2. Decision Support: Allocating resources is much more complex when infectious disease is disrupting everything from the supply chain to the check-in desk. We are working to develop new models to navigate the flow between emergent and chronic, doing business and saving lives.


3. Data: The disease won’t wait for the crushingly slow data transfers typical of the industry. We are quickly scaling environments that can securely accept and action on relevant data from EMR, social determinants of health, and insurance. 


Let's Talk COVID

The Fight

Abada Joins Community Effort

We want to help our hometown of Kansas City reopen quickly and safely. We can’t wait for the federal, state, or local governments to provide the direction needed for PPE, testing, and contact tracing resources to counter COVID-19. Therefore, we have joined the C19KC Task Force, a group of public-private organizations working to support local health organizations in safely restarting the economy in the greater KC community. 

Abada Health is supporting C19KC’s strategy of COVID-19 counter response by supporting the effort to increase:

  1. Efficient, effective and secure digital contact tracing via smartphone app
  2. Lending data support to online symptom tracking and advising on broadscale testing
  3. Increasing the access and supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) through 3D printing


111 W. 10th St
Kansas City, MO 64105

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